Welcome to our Wellbeing Sessions

Imaginative experiences for primary aged children

How can imaginative experiences support wellbeing in primary-aged children?

  • Our Wellbeing sessions are created specially for primary-aged children.
  • Each session takes 90 minutes and is available for up to 15 children.
  • Each session is a complete immersive imaginative experience.
  • Each session includes a guided imaginative experience and opportunities for contemplative explorations to allow processing time for the experience. It concludes with a guided stillness practice.
  • All sessions are delivered in person and all creative resources are provided including a response booklet for children to record their experiences.

There are 5 series of imaginative experiences sessions to choose from

Harmony with Nature series

Primary Schools and Primary Aged Children
EYFS / KS1 / KS2

Our ‘Harmony with Nature’ series guides primary-aged children from 4 to 11 through an imaginative experience linked to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

Each imaginative experience provides children with a contemplative exploration to embed their experience and an opportunity to share their wonderings.

The Harmony with Nature series is divided into 7 themed sessions.

  • Chicks and Eggs | Seeds | Fruit | Butterflies | Stars | Oceans | Antarctica

Imagining with Wonder series

Primary Schools and Primary Aged Children

Our ‘Imagining with Wonder’ series guides primary-aged children from 7 – 11 years old through an imaginative experience linked with each month of the year and each of the seasons.

Each imaginative experience provides children with a contemplative exploration to embed their experience and an opportunity to share their wonderings.

The Imagining with Wonder series is divided into 12 themed sessions.

  • Hearts | Wings of Change | Spring | Starry Night Skies | Ocen life | Sunflowers | Autumn | Pumpkins | Poppies | Winter

Encounters with God series

Primary Schools and Primary Aged Children
EYFS / KS1 / KS2

Our ‘Encounters with God’ series guides primary-aged children from 4 – 11 years old through an imaginative experience linked with Bible stories and moments from Christian and Catholic traditions.

Each imaginative experience provides children with a contemplative exploration to embed their experience and an opportunity to share their wonderings.

The Encounters with God series is divided into 3 age groups.

  • EYFS: Reception – children aged 4-5
  • KS1: Years 1-2 – children aged 5-7
  • KS2: Years 3-6 – children aged 7-11

Wondering with Mary series

Primary Schools and Primary Aged Children
KS1 / KS2

Our ‘Wondering with Mary’ series guides primary-aged children from 5 – 11 years old through an imaginative experience linked with moments from Jesus’ mother Mary’s life from the Christian and Catholic traditions.

Each imaginative experience provides children with a contemplative exploration to embed their experience and an opportunity to share their wonderings.

The Wondering with Mary series is divided into 5 themed sessions.

  • Announcing | Visiting | Arriving | Presenting | Finding

Walking with Jesus series

Primary Schools and Primary Aged Children

Our ‘Walking with Jesus’ series guides primary-aged children from 7 – 11 years old through an imaginative experience linked with Advent, Lent and Easter from the Christian and Catholic traditions.

Each imaginative experience provides children with a contemplative exploration to embed their experience and an opportunity to share their wonderings.

The Walking with Jesus series is divided into 3 themed sessions.

  • Advent | Lent | Easter

Let us help you find the direction for your own wellbeing, for the children, your teachers and the whole school community.

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